Typical National Theatre: rotating stage, split space, light tube, fabulous performance, intensive conversations... Good indeed, but not my cup of tea, as usual. They say three hours is insufficient to present the story, but eight hours is too long for me, who finds inner feelings frozen in appreciating this play and checks time every five minutes, to bear it. What a torture. Valuable as a listening practice lol, an easy one though.關於地域以及人民的故事,小村莊再次接觸到德國人,言語不通互相猜疑及資源取用等等,貌似文明隱沒而回歸山頭文化,當中透出很多不解沖突爭執但亦有喝喝酒坐下來說說的時候,片中人物看似很多故事但被刻意湮淡沒化,以主角為甚,沒有家沒有根的異鄉人,或遠或近無目的游走,雖然或者可以稱兄道弟登堂入室但仍不停透著格格不入的距離感,孤獨沉默.